
2018 Reflections & Intentions

As 2018 comes to an end, I believe it is a great opportunity to reflect on successes, contemplate learnings, and set goals and intentions for the year ahead for yourself and with your team. As I was putting together discussion topics for our weekly knowledge sharing session, I figured I would put them into a post, along with my own responses. I love to take any opportunity I can to get my team opening up both personally and professionally, connecting inward and connecting with each other.

Reflections for 2018:

A career accomplishment this year that you are really proud of. Gaining my Change Management Practitioner certification and contributing to the beginning of the Change Management practice at ProQuest.

A career goal for next year. Ensure that each PQ employee has a clear path to the next step in their career and to see each of my employees move to that next stage. I love growth and progression!

A personal accomplishment this year that you are really proud of. Completing my first triathlon. Wooohooo!

A personal goal for next year. Teaching community yoga classes around my home in Manly to connect more with my community.

Something you are grateful for this year. My friends and coworkers in Sydney that have truly become my family abroad.

A person you are grateful for this year. My little sister who reminds me to always be playful.

Something you learnt about yourself this year. That I love cats.

Something positive you did for someone else this year. Coached my mate through getting a new role in Buenos Aires.

Reflections for 2019:

A mantra you want to bring into next year. Be love.

Something you want to leave behind as you move into the new year. Self-doubt.

A positive habit you would like to bring into the new year. Starting each day off by thanking someone else.

Set an intention for the new year. Trust the process.

I challenge anyone reading this to answer the above questions and tag me in their reflection posts! I’d love to see what inspires you and how you envision yourself in the new year.

Cheers to 2019! Hopefully we can revisit our reflections at the end of 2019 as well.

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