
6 Tips to Nail Change Management in Your Salesforce Implementation

No matter how fantastic your CRM is, it won’t be a success unless your people use it and embrace it. Change management is the process of getting your employees on board with new changes, and varies depending on the specific needs of each organisation. You need to determine your approach based on multiple factors, from your organisational structure to the learning styles of your people. However, there are a few change management fundamentals that are proven to contribute to success.

Here are 6 tips to effectively implement change management within your workplace:

1. Communicate a clear and inspiring vision.

A new CRM system is meant to change your organisation for the better and shake up the way your business is run. We all know that humans tend to be inherently opposed to change and can be especially intimidated by new technology. To get your team on board, it’s imperative that you communicate a strong vision about the project and explain how it will better your organisation and your employees’ lives at work. If you can inspire them with your vision and explain why it’s worth it, chances are they will be on board too. Be sure the same vision is consistently communicated from all of your influencers and managers to their teams.

2. Ask employees for commitment and feedback.

As soon as you implement any change within your organisation, we recommend that you personally reach out to every employee affected to get their buy in. Change management is taking the time to explain what is coming and get their feedback on where they see it going well and any potential problems that may arise. Most of the time people appreciate being heard and want to give their input. Ensure that if they have any concerns, you will do your best to address them.  The sooner you involve employees in the process, the better off you will be implementing the change.

3. Communicate thoughtfully.

Continued communication is a key component to successful change but keep in mind that it needs to be strategic. Think through which audience you are speaking to and what matters to them to send targeted messages from influential stakeholders. Meet with teams face to face for important updates to gauge engagement and/or resistance. Use two way communication channels so employees can provide comments, concerns and feedback. Think of interesting and fun way to get messages to your employees – cupcakes, swag, TV screens, etc!

4. Keep a positive attitude.

Every change has ups and downs, and there certainly may be some trying moments. As a leader, it’s important to maintain composure during these times and stay positive. Your team will follow your lead and stay motivated if they see you remaining calm and enthusiastic. Keep in mind how small gestures can impact people. Team emails, taking them aside to tell them how well they’re doing – every gesture of encouragement will do wonders for your team.

5. Training is key.

One of the most important parts of change management is providing thorough training opportunities and resources for your people. Even if your employees are on board and excited about the implementation, it’s imperative that they have proper training on the system so they know exactly how it works and what is expected of them. As they’re undergoing training, it’s also a good time to check in with surveys and get their feedback on they like and don’t like.

Are you struggling with change management? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for more tips!


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