
Christmas in July 2023 with ProQuest Consulting

In this Christmas in July 2023, the cool temperature can’t stop us from feeling the warmth of the PQ Family!

Spicing up our usual day full of projects, tasks, and meetings at ProQuest, we held a Christmas in July Event with many of our interstaters coming to Sydney to celebrate together. What better way to connect than with meals, games, an ugly Christmas jumper competition, and a wine-tasting trivia session!

We asked our PQ-ers what they thought was the best part of the Christmas in July 2023 Event:

Jason (Regional Sales Manager):

The uniting of the Sydney and Melbourne teams and seeing everyone in person showed how much everyone loves working with each other and what a special company we all work for.

Wine Tasting + Trivia Questions – Getting to know more about each other with a little confidence boost!

Victoria (Employee Experience Manager):

I would say the Wine Tasting was pretty great, but more than anything, seeing the team all come together, you can tell everyone has a lot of respect for one another. ProQuest has truly fostered great relationships and team bonds.

We are all part of the same team but regularly working on separate projects so it was nice to see everyone catching up as one big ProQuest family outside of the daily tasks and deadlines. Everyone enjoys the flexibility of remote working but you can’t beat high fives and hugs with your colleagues and friends.

Ugly Christmas Jumpers Competition- Our winner was Ayesha and Victoria!

Ankit (Project Coordinator):

There were lots of good memories made in the Christmas in July 2023 Event. It was kind of a ProQuest-much required reunion for everyone. Some key highlights were the Christmas Jumper competition where the employees had a chance to dress themselves up, and the Scrum Games where everyone participated, and the wine night with trivia questions that helped ease in everyone and increase the positive energy among the participants.

The day was very well planned with all the activities, and I truly enjoyed it with everyone! Grateful for an amazing and incredibly memorable experience!

Scrum Games- Enhancing our PQScrum and Agile practices with creativity, collaboration, and fun!

While the pandemic and hybrid work setup might have kept us apart, it hasn’t dampened our enthusiasm. We’re excited to all come together again soon for the next activity- watch this space!

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