
Looking Back On My Internship Experience at ProQuest

Another student work placement has flown by, and this time we’re saying goodbye to Martin Colas of Audencia Business School in Nantes, France. Martin has been a great addition to the office over the past few weeks, and I’ll miss having a fellow marketing enthusiast around! Thanks for all your hard work, Martin. 

Here’s what he had to say about his internship at ProQuest:

I arrived from France in January to join ProQuest as a marketing intern. I was so excited about the idea of coming to Australia and working at ProQuest. My goals were to do as much marketing activities as possible, to improve my English and to gain knowledge about the workplace. Now that today is the last day of my internship, I can look back and say I am not disappointed! I was a little bit nervous about the idea of leaving home to work in a foreign company, but now I’m just sad to leave Sydney.

The Salesforce World Tour was a really great experience for me, starting with the preparation of the event until the big day. This has been a great opportunity to develop my marketing skills: designing t-shirts, creating social media content, making phone calls, talking with customers etc. I enjoyed working as a team and being a part of something as big as the Salesforce World Tour.

Salesforce World Tour in Darling Harbour

The people who work at ProQuest are also amazing. The workplace is inspiring, people are always in a good mood and ready for team building events. I even got to join the team at a rock climbing event which I really enjoyed.

Rock climbing with the team

Finally, I want to thank the ProQuest team for everything I learned, for their welcome and their time. I think an internship experience is very valuable, and something that every student who wants to learn and improve should do.

My internship has been a great experience!

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