
The Rescue Squad at Salesforce World Tour ’18

Another year, another Salesforce World Tour!

So the question you may be wondering… why did we dress up as lifeguards?

As Marketing Manager, this was all my doing, so let me explain. So, last year, we had an idea to play Field Service Lightning (FSL) Roulette - a fun game we came up with using the scheduling functionality of FSL. We basically rigged it to assign a winning job, and visitors at our booth could guess which technician they thought would be scheduled. It worked pretty well and attracted some new people which was great.

Recognise these technicians? Serena Williams won this round!

This year, we decided the play again, but we wanted a fresh spin on the game. After a few brainstorming sessions with the team, we thought a “Surf Rescue Edition” could be fun. So the technicians in this case would be surfers, and visitors to our booth would have to pick who would save the day. We also had the swag idea before of giving away branded sunscreen awhile ago, and somehow, it all came together and the concept of the ProQuest Rescue Squad came into play.

The ideas escalated quickly, from wearing red visors to giving away a branded surfboard to photoshopping our faces into a Bondi Rescue poster. We also liked the simple message of being able to help or rescue people since that is essentially what we do as Salesforce consultants.

I was lucky enough to have a Marketing intern from France for a few weeks, and he was able to help support us in getting ready for the event. Our first task was narrowing down our t-shirts. Check out a few of our early designs…


Eventually it all came together. Thanks to my team for running with this idea and for getting this year's roulette game ready.

Outfits aside, it was truly a great event. There were so many interesting speakers (I attended a few Pardot and Marketing Cloud sessions), and a bunch of our team attended some Dev sessions.

What should we dress up as next year? Leave your ideas in the comments below! :)

Here are a few more photos from the event:


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