
New Salesforce Technical Consultant: Meet Ravi

It's been a big month for hiring here at ProQuest! We're very excited to introduce our new Technical Consultant, Ravi Telu. Ravi joins us from India and has a strong passion for Salesforce and cloud computing. After graduating in 2012, he developed an interest in cloud computing technology which led him down the Salesforce path. Needless to say – we're thrilled to have him on board!

Read on to learn more about him:

What do you like to do for fun when you’re not working?

I am a foodie and I love cooking. When I have the time I like to experiment with cooking and usually have good results.

What would you sing at karaoke night?

I am not a very good singer! I listen to various albums in English, but when it comes to singing I prefer "Why This Kolaveri Di" by Dhanush, Anirudh.

Tell us something we don’t know about you?

I think I can write a whole book on this… but I will keep it simple. I am a teetotaller (need to change in future :D). Also obsessive about cleanliness.

What is the one website (or app) you can’t live without?

It's a tie between Google and YouTube.

What is your favourite place to go in Sydney?

I am new to Sydney and have yet to really explore the city. The Sydney Harbour Bridge & Opera House are the only places I knew before coming here, apart from airport. As of now, my favourite place is Circular Quay.

What is your favourite restaurant or go-to food in Sydney?

I am going to try a couple of restaurants this weekend, so hopefully one of them will become my favourite so I don't have to surf the internet for ideas whenever I am hungry.

What attracted you to ProQuest?

ProQuest reminded me of a famous quote 'UNITY IN DIVERSITY' as it welcomes techies from all over the world, where the common thread that connects everybody is Salesforce.

What is your favourite part about working at ProQuest so far?

I personally felt that ProQuest is not just a consultancy but an organisation that follows ethics and provides many opportunities.

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