
How to Prepare for Salesforce Beta Exams

I recently had the opportunity to take three different Salesforce beta exams related to Salesforce Architecture. Salesforce beta exams contain a larger set of questions than standard tests and allow participants to add their feedback during the exam. Salesforce studies the exam results and decides on a final set of questions before making the test generally available. Beta exams are free to take, but you don’t find out the results straight away. I took the test in February and expect to find out the results in early April. If you pass the exam, you will receive the certification.

If you’re planning on taking a Salesforce beta exam related to architecture, I highly recommend studying these topics to get ready.

Salesforce Certified Integration Architecture Designer – BETA 

Sample questions:

– A lot of questions are based on scenarios and if you can understand and learn this PDF, you should be able to answer most of them.
– Different way of integration: SOAP, REST, Outbound messages
– How to trigger outbound messages
– What is Salesforce Continuation
– How the attachments are captured coming via email (Email handler)
– What is Heroku connect
– What are the different ways of securing integrations (SSL/ TSL)
– Loading LDV with ETL tools

Salesforce Certified Data Architecture and Management Designer – BETA 

Sample Questions:

– How to deploy external object with Migration tool
– Metadata API commands to deploy/retrieve metadata
– What is the command to Quick deploy / Run test classes in migration tool
– What types of testing is used in Salesforce (Stress testing is not used)
– How to deploy unsupported metadata changes into prod? (change management and governance)
– How to keep track of changes done in prod and maintain it during the deployments
– What types of sandbox is good for Integration testing, User acceptance testing, User training
– What sandbox/org can be used to develop app exchange applications
– Project team roles (Center of Excellence, Architecture Review Board, Executive Sponsor, Steering Committee…)
– What is CoE Center of Excellence and what do they do
– Provide scenarios where waterfall/agile project methodology is better to use? (ie. Big project/small project)
– Salesforce org architecture (Single Org, Multi Org and how to make two different salesforce orgs interact with each other)

Salesforce Certified Development Lifecycle and Deployment Designer – BETA

  • CoE
  • Change governance
  • App Exchange app development
  • Development lifecycle
  • Version Control
  • Continuous integration
  • Waterfall/Agile development
  • Sandbox types and for what purpose each of them should be used for (performance testing, integration testing)
  • Metadata API
  • Different deployment tools ( IDE, Migration tool, Change set…)

Sample Questions:

– A lot of questions around the Large Data Volume Best practises(given a scenario how to implement/achieve it)
– How to deploy external object with migration tool
– External object differnt lookup types
– ETL tools and differences

The trickiest exam for me was Certified Integration Architecture Designer. To get extra prepared for this one, I recommend reading the pdf I provided at least twice as it will give you a good understanding of the scenarios used.

Good luck to you all! ☺

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