On Remote Working and Mental Health: Empowerment
On Remote Working and Mental Health: Empowerment
Here in Sydney, as we navigate through the trials of our second lockdown, one cannot help but wonder when this will all end. Some of us have the opportunity do remote work, while others are facing major difficulties. Some are homeschooling and some are living by themselves.
Balancing remote working, domestic life and mental health is not an easy task. And although many of us have enough toys and entertainment at our homes, or domestic tasks and obligations to distract us, it will never replace our need to connect with others. As author Robin Sharm once quoted, “The business of business is relationships; the business of life is human connection”.
I want to challenge the perception that somehow by not learning a new language, picking up a new hobby or upskilling makes your time during lockdown a waste. Some have the opportunity, resources and creative time to dive into self growth (I’m really enjoying learning one-line drawing). But for some, chocolate and a little bit of wine do the job. Whatever that looks like, let’s focus on getting through it together.
I’m here to tell you that it is okay not to be okay. In fact, it is okay to acknowledge feeling overwhelmed, exhausted or simply fed up. But what is most important is that it is not ‘okay’ to go through this alone.
Keeping in touch and raising your voice can bring perspective into our lives. We all have a battle to overcome during this time and no battle is insignificant. But if you are struggling right now and are bottling it up, I encourage you to reach out to your friends, family, neighbours or colleagues for help – whether it’s a virtual coffee or simply an ‘I’m not okay’ remote conversation.
Reach out even to the people you don’t know best! I’m certainly having a great time getting to know our newest recruits here at ProQuest despite remote working.
And if you are in fact okay, then read into the words of your friends and family when they just say “I’m fine”.